2nd Canadian Materials Diffraction Workshop (CMDW2021)
Mon-Thurs, Jul 26−29, 2021
The 2nd Canadian Materials Diffraction Workshop (CMDW2021) will be taking place virtually. The workshop is targeted towards engineering and science students, postdocs and industrial researchers who would benefit from an improved understanding of the basic theory and practice of 2D and 3D diffraction for analyzing materials – alloys, thin films, polymers, coatings, minerals, etc.
The Bruker programs TOPAS, EVA, LEPTOS and GADDS, as well as MTex, WinWulff and MAX3D will be used for teaching with some interactive demonstrations at the Workshop. Examples of phase, texture and residual stress analyses will be presented. Practice data sets will be supplied.
Note: Travel support for students and academic staff is available through the Larry Calvert CNC/IUCr Trust Fund Award.